Thursday 6 June 2013

French 8 WHAT I LEARNT!!! (End of the year)

I don't know what I deserve in French but I guess I can get a C+ because I do understand lots of stuff in French but at the same time some words are really difficult for me and I don't understand it! I can have a short normal convo but not like a detailed one! I also provided lots of examples in making sentences, vocabs and concepts on my sheet that I handed in! Before I never understood French and I never got anything but now I know I get lots of stuff!!!


I really don't know what I deserve in gym but I do try my best!!! I have improved alot from last year in Grade 7 I barley did anything I hated basketball so much but now I love basketball I actually try for every single sport for an example basketball, soccer ball, baseball, and etc. I also have fitness out of school like dance and soccer! I enjoy gym but sometimes I feel like vomiting but I actually do try rally hard!!!